enhance all aspects of your life


weight loss without dieting image


The ONLY  thing you need be concerned with regarding losing weight permanently is NUTRITION . A human body, like everything else in existence, is fundamentally made up of energetic vibrations. Food has its own vibration energies. Healthy natural food has high vibrations. All manufactured and processed food has dense low vibrations attached to it. This is why food combinations are far more important than the types and amounts of food. Especially concerning weight loss without dieting. 

woman living with high vibrations

When trying to lose weight you do NOT need ‘Diets’. Or exercise regimes, or calorie counting courses.  ‘Weight loss’ groups. Or any other tip, trick, or hack. All these things are designed for nothing except making a profit.

‘Lose weight in 30 days’. ‘Shed weight with this (or that) ‘Diet’. ‘Get motivated to lose weight’. Join a gym to lose weight’…etc. These are all con-tricks to part you from your money, with a dream! 

You need a change of mindset.

Weight loss nutrition means changing your mindset and life-style. So you crave only real ‘healthy’ foods. Cutting out all ‘Diet food’. And all manufactured food (as near as possible, at least). ‘Cheat’ days and ‘cheat’ foods are a con. You do not need them. Because if your mindset is altered will not want them!

Obviously it is far easier to talk about weight loss without dieting, than actually implementing it. However, if you think of weight loss as a journey – and NOT a destination. Not just an end goal, you are far more likely to lose weight more easily. With less misery…and permanently!

Start your journey with small, achievable steps. Make a small change first. Stick with it, until it becomes a habit, a routine. Your personal vibrations will have changed. Then move on to the next step…

One of the first steps to take is to learn about food vibrations and combinations. Combining foods that have different energy vibrations work against you. They lead to an overload on the digestive system (fire). This results in toxin production. Leading to indigestion, putrefaction, gas formation, dis-ease, ill health and, of course, weight gain.

You do NOT need a diet – you need to change energies

When thoroughly analysed most so-called ‘Diets’ totally lack balance. As well as any understanding of the energetic vibrations of food and nutriment. And the actions these frequencies have on your cells.

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, dates back thousands of years. It addresses the substance of food and nutrition, in terms of molecular actions and reactions. Also, and more importantly, it takes into consideration the interrelationship of food with the five elements. Fire, earth, water, air and ether. This is a vital relationship that needs to be understood, before any change in diet will be anything more than a temporary fix.

As Ayurveda explains; everything and every being, is made up of energetic vibrations. This ancient wisdom passed down from generation to generation, has been suppressed and hidden in modern society. In favour of commercial interests. Ayurveda says there are three fundamental energies involved. Vata (wind), Pitta(fire) and Kapha (earth). Depending on a person’s predominant energy  (basically related to your ‘star’ sign) some foods will be highly beneficial. Whereas others may create imbalances in the body.

Just as a human body is made up of fundamental energies, food also has its own energies. Taste, heating, cooling and  digestive energies.

This is why food combinations are far more important than the types and amounts of food.

One thing to say here is that so-called food that has been processed, packaged, or is sold in a fast-food restaurant, is not food at all (in the real meaning of the word). It is not beneficial fuel for the body. It is simply chemical saturated substances designed for profit, rather than for nutrition.

weight loss without dieting foods

Combining foods that have different energy vibrations – and therefore, opposite effects on the body, will never result in permanent weight loss. Yes, by reducing food in-take, you may lose some weight. But you will also lose energy. Your natural metabolism will fall and you will start a yo yo effect between weight loss and weight gain. You will never achieve weight loss without dieting

Ayurveda is not about excluding certain foods and including others.

It is about weight loss without dieting. It is also about understanding your own personal energetic frequencies. Which make up your own personal constitution. And then eating REAL food wisely. Real food is natural medicine. It can ‘cure’ any dis-ease of the body. Including the dis ease in your body from eating manufactured (toxic) food which creates weight gain.

Proper nutritious food is actually much more than medicine, it is a prevention of all illness and body problems. There is no disease known to man than cannot be prevented (or subsequently treated) with proper nutrition.

Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to obtain real food (body fuel) nowadays. Such is the influence of money and profit over everything else. However, making sensible choices from what is available, will be highly beneficial.

With regards to weight loss without dieting Ayurveda classifies food into 6 tastes. Sweet, salty, pungent, sour, bitter and astringent, and recommends including all the 6 tastes for a wholesome diet.

In order to help you understand negative food combinations, below is a list of incompatible foods.

Some of these food combinations may seem harsh and restrictive. However the health and weight reduction benefits of sticking to them are considerable.

Something I totally agree with (and teach) when it comes to diet is… moderation. Do not under any circumstances simply switch from a processed food diet to a natural diet overnight. You will have to deal with (in some cases pretty severe) detox side effects. Also your will-power might take a battering. . 

For most people to permanently lose weight, gain fitness, or fight disease requires a radical change of lifestyle.  However, I recommend balance and common sense, when trying to tackle this.

Treat any diet suggestions, including this one, as a guideline rather than as hard and fast rules, that limit your freedoms too severely.

Trying to follow hard and fast rules, usually creates mental and emotional barriers

which ultimately disturb the flow of life – the energies, that effect the body and mind.

mindset image

You have to be fully committed to the journey of weight loss without dieting. To changing your mindset, and radically altering your lifestyle. Do NOT even start if you have any doubts in yourself.

Trying something (anything) halfheartedly will always have the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve. Losing weight, for example; if you try a diet on a whim, just to see what happens – it will always fail. You will then regain any weight you lost, and much quicker than you lost it. And then you will also have emotional scars to deal with.

As a general rule, try to eat the following food items alone rather than combining them with other food items

You may find some of these incompatible combinations quite hard to accept. But, the health and weight benefits you will gain by taking notice of, and adopting, this advice are very considerable.

Of course I would suggest that you move slowly and implement one change at a time. You WILL feel the differences in your energy levels and general well-being with each change.

Carefully ‘listen’ to your body

It will let you know how the changes are effecting you. Your goal is to start feeling better about yourself and full of life.

A strong digestive fire is a blessing as it can help you deal with incompatible food combinations effectively. Some useful tips to increase your belly fire and improve your digestion include:

1. Consuming ½ tsp of freshly grated ginger with a pinch of rock salt at the beginning of a meal can help stimulate the digestive fire.

2. Ghee (clarified butter) stimulates the fire and aids in digestion.

3. Sipping on warm water between meals improves digestion and enhances absorption. On the other hand, iced water makes your metabolism sluggish.

4. Chewing your food properly aids digestion rather than swallowing it hastily as it doesn’t mix well with the saliva.

5. Eat only when you’re hungry and not when you’re only thirsty. Try understanding the needs of your body.

6. Eat and drink till you are 75% full. Do not overeat as it stifles the digestive fire.

Our body has a unique quality of adaptation and we may have therefore not observed any untoward effect whilst eating wrong combinations earlier. Moreover, indulging in incompatible foods occasionally does not adversely affect the digestive fire.

losing weight book

However, it is important that we eat mindfully because as the adage goes – You are what you Eat.


This is the book you need when all the other Weight loss products,
‘Diets’, motivation courses, weight loss groups, tips, tricks and hacks
have failed you!



5 Responses

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  2. CK says:

    Thanks for sharing this excellent article. I love reading and writing about natural wellbeing topics.

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